Green foods assist in bringing the body to a more alkaline state. Barley grass, wheat grass, and seaweeds including spirulina and chlorella are loaded with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, chlorophyll and antioxidants. These energise and promote nutritional balance resulting in better health, more energy and brighter eyes, skin and hair.
At Vive Health, we stock a range of green foods and super foods such as Vital Greens online. You can find these nourishing and enriching foods in a variety of forms including liquid, dried, capsule and powdered forms. You can choose from maca powder, maqui powder, wheat grass powder, acai powder, aloe vera juice and a range of other super foods.
You can also find a selection of some of the most popular super foods brands online. Buy Vital Greens, Living Valley, Loving Earth and a range of other organic food, whole foods and gluten free foods at Vive Health. If you want to be notified of new products, promotions or specials such as Vital Greens on sale, subscribe to Vive Health’s newsletter here.
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