Vive Health

Vive Health
36 Riding Rd, Hawthorne, 4171, Queensland, Australia
Ph: (07) 3399 1002


Nuts, Seeds and Dried Fruits

Nuts, seeds and dried fruits are nutrient packed, and one of the best vegetarian sources of protein, vitamins and minerals. They are a true nutritional super food - great for snacks or to use in baking. Increase your daily nutiritional intake by adding a wide range of nuts, seeds and dried fruits to your morning cereal, favourite baking recipe or your lunchtime salad. Vive Health stocks a wide range of raw, roasted and flavoured nuts including almonds, macadamias, cashews, pecans, pistachios, pepitas, sunflower and chia seeds and many more. Nut meals are also available including almond meal, flaxseed/linseed meal and LSA.

  SKU Product Our price
9347509000225 Paleo Hero Vegan Muesli $23.25
9342047000348 Pepo Farms Pumpkin Seed Flour $9.05
9342047000300 Pepo Farms Pumpkin Seeds Couverture Dark Chocolate $19.15
inc. GST 10%
9342047000140 Pepo Farms Pumpkin Seeds Dry Roasted Lightly Salted $25.00
inc. GST 10%
9342047000058 Pepo Farms Pumpkin Seeds Wood Smoked $25.00
inc. GST 10%
734027981010 The Ginger People Gin Gins Chewy Ginger Candy $4.60
inc. GST 10%
734027981065 The Ginger People Gin Gins Super Strength Ginger Candy $4.10
inc. GST 10%
734027985094 The Ginger People Uncrystallised Bare Ginger $6.15
8997033002038 The Whole Foodies Jumbo Cashews $6.95
8997033001833 The Whole Foodies Native Cashews Kimchi $5.10
8997033001840 The Whole Foodies Native Cashews Sea Salt $5.10
sku34671 Vive Australian Pepitas $20.70
SKU457644441 Vive Bulk Organic Times Dark Chocolate Almonds $35.60
inc. GST 10%
SKU4576444441 Vive Bulk Organic Times Dark Chocolate Macadamias $38.75
inc. GST 10%
SKU45761 Vive Bulk Organic Times Milk Chocolate Almonds $35.60
inc. GST 10%
SKU4576441 Vive Bulk Organic Times Milk Chocolate Macadamia Nuts $38.75
inc. GST 10%