Welcome to Import Ants wholesalers of ethically handmade & eco-friendly products that give back to the communities that make them.
Our vision is to have fair trade and eco-friendly products easily available in a wide variety of shops to allow people the choice to buy ethically. We believe that these choices make a difference and can build a better and more sustainable world for all of us.
Our story began with Elephant Dung Paper. After visiting Maximus, the manufacturer of our elephant dung paper and seeing how the production of the paper benefits the villagers where it is made and helps to protect the endangered Sri Lankan elephant by linking them to the economy of the village, Import Ants was started in 2008.
While in Sri Lanka we have discovered many other wonderful producers, from community based groups to small companies, all creating beautiful handmade products using fair trade principles that are making a difference in their communities. You can read their stories in Partners.
We build long term relationships with all our suppliers, visiting them yearly and working with them to ensure that they continue to meet fair trade standards by paying fair wages, not employing child labour, being environmentally conscious and providing safe and happy working conditions.
Above all we love what we do and hope you will enjoy our products as much as we do.
Import Ants – a world of importance.