Vive Health online health food and gluten free shop makes it easier for you to shop for gluten free foods, organic food and whole foods – just leave the label checking to us!
A one stop Gluten Free online shopping store, Vive Health makes it convenient for you to select healthy and nutritious food. Browse our extensive range of amazing gluten free products that our practitioners have chosen and have it all delivered to your doorstep!
Gluten is a protein found in wheat, spelt, barley, rye. Safe gluten-free alternatives include ingredients such as: buckwheat, corn, rice, millet, quinoa, potato starch, tapioca, arrowroot, guar gum and xanthan gum.
Around the world oats are slowly becoming known as a clean gluten free food source. Se view our artilce on this click here.
So gluten free foods are food that is safe for those with Coeliac disease (an autoimmune condition), gluten intolerance or anyone choosing to avoid gluten for health or digestive reasons (such as recurrent constipation or diarrhoea). Safe alternatives, have been substituted in these products, which are just as delicious and if not more satisfying as traditional foods.
Out gluten free foods range includes sauces, cookies and cakes, baking products, beverages, snacks, cereal products, soups and dairy products. In Australia, all foods labelled gluten free must undergo stringent testing to ensure that they contain no detectable gluten.