Magnesium oxide when mixed with water and consumed, its unique properties allows it to liberate large amounts of water in the gastrointestinal tract.
The main cleansing benefits for Magnesium oxide are derived from this ability to promote hydration. This hydration process helps soften and liquefy the impacted and hardened faecal matter. The undigested and putrefying rubbish that has stuck to the bowel wall blocking the absorption of nutrients and creating a source of toxicity is safely and gently eliminated.
Colon-Cleanse helps rid the body of waste and promotes elimination and it also may help maintain a healthy digestive function.
Adults: Add one 5mL metric teaspoon to a glass of water, stir thoroughly and drink. When the glass is empty, squeeze 1/2 lemon into the same glass, stir and drink or take 1 g of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Take once daily for up to one week then every other day for an additional week (only if required).
Not advised to take for a prolonged period of time.
Each 2g contains: Magnesium 1.065g from Magnesium oxide - heavy 1.600g Magnesium carbonate - heavy 400mg
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